March 20th, 2014 8:00PM
Alumni Dinner with Chazen Korea Study Tour
@ Yonsei Univ. Alumni Association Bldg.
- Had Dinner with current MBA students (40+) and alumni in Korea(10+),
catching up each other, sharing each other’s memories at the school
September 10th, 2014 6:30PM
CBS Information Session for MBA Applicants
@ CJ Humanville
- Explained CBS’ strength and share life at the school to business school applicants (160+)
- Had a ‘Happy Hour’ with participating alumni and an admission officer afterwards
October 24th, 2014 6:30PM
Columbia Alumni Association Gala Dinner and Lecture Meeting / conducted by CBS Alumni Club in Korea
@ President Hotel / Mozart Hall
- Lecture: US’ Exit Plan and Asia economy by Junho Ham, a member at the Monetary Policy Committee
December, 2014
Annual Business School Year-End Dinner
- Exact date and location TBD
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